Guiding Patients Through the Healthcare Maze with AI

AI and predictive analytics can play an important role in providing personalized, coordinated care to help patients navigate the healthcare system and improve outcomes. However, human expertise is still critical for designing algorithms, asking the right questions, interpreting results, and protecting patients.


  • Careteam's technology acts as a "guide" to help patients navigate the healthcare "maze", connecting them to the right care at the right time based on their conditions and local environment.
  • It enables care coordination across disparate specialists, tools, apps etc. and develops personalized care plans for patients.
  • The predictive models incorporate multidimensional data including health conditions, social determinants, engagement data etc. to identify high priority cases and intervention needs.
  • The "micro AI" approach allows development of localized models tailored to specific care teams and patient populations vs one-size-fits-all algorithms.
  • Getting the right, high quality data and questions is key - AI is only as good as the human expertise put into its development.
  • Critical to keep humans involved not just for design but also in loop when models are running to continue directing algorithms and protect patients.
  • As AI advances, it is becoming more accessible. Healthcare practitioners should engage with and learn how to best leverage AI while ensuring quality and safeguards.


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