Ponymation: AI Generates 3D Animal Motions from Raw Videos

This AI research introduces Ponymation, a novel method to generate realistic 3D animal motions from raw, unlabeled 2D videos without needing extensive data collection. It represents a breakthrough in efficiently synthesizing dynamic 3D animal models.


  • Ponymation employs a transformer-based VAE to learn generative models of animal motions from unlabeled online videos
  • It can reconstruct articulated 3D shapes and generate diverse motions from single 2D images
  • The method accurately captures complex animal motion patterns and outperforms existing techniques
  • Ponymation works effectively across diverse animal categories, showing adaptability to varied movements
  • This research enables new possibilities in 3D animation and studying animal biomechanics
  • By learning from readily available 2D data, Ponymation eliminates the need for expensive 3D data collection
  • The work demonstrates the potential of AI to solve long-standing challenges in computer graphics and vision


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