Prompting Power: Unlocking AI's Potential without Code Changes

Prompt engineering is a powerful technique for unlocking the potential of large language models (LLMs) and vision-language models (VLMs) by providing them with specific instructions or prompts, without altering their core parameters. This allows LLMs to excel in diverse tasks and domains without extensive retraining.


  • Prompt engineering is a rapidly growing field with various techniques, including zero-shot, few-shot, and chain of code prompting.
  • It enables LLMs and VLMs to adapt to different tasks and domains, improving their performance.
  • This avoids the need for complex model retraining or fine-tuning.
  • The survey analyzes 29 distinct techniques, their applications, models, and datasets.
  • Prompt engineering offers a promising future for AI, but challenges like bias and interpretability need to be addressed.
  • Ethical considerations are crucial for the responsible development and deployment of prompt engineering.


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